The new season is upon us, and as we get fields arranged and schedules made, it looks
like we will have another fun year of softball. I apreciated everyones input and excitement for the new year at the general
meeting March 2. If you have any further comments or suggestions please feel free to email me or any of the executive. Have
a good safe, fun year of ball.
Thanks, Eric Aslett (President)
Kerri Enman from our league owns a corner store in the Happy Valley area, if you are in the neighbourhood please drop by and
support the hard work of a local player in our league.
The store is called "Happy Valley Store" located at 3431 Happy Valley Road, drop in and say hi to Kerri.
Shawn Frasch from Highballers team is the event director for " Be
A Fan " he can offer players from the league $10.00 - $20.00/person off packages. Basically he offers trips to events from
Canucks,Mariners,concerts, etc. His packages include all transportation and tickets to the events, please contact him if you
or your team is interested!
P.S. please contact me if you have any comments or concerns for the upcoming year. I am at
* Congratulations, we have had over 85,000 hits on this sight from league
members over the last 6 seasons, it tells me that this was a good idea and that it continues to be informative and helpful.
Please feel free to email me with any suggestions as I am always wanting to make it better every year. Thanks, Eric Aslett